How Long Do Water Softeners Last | Explained

How Long Does Water Softeners Last
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Like every tangible thing, even the best water softeners will break down and probably might stop working in due course of time. There are some chances that it needs proper maintenance or repairing. It also depends on the type of water softeners you tend to buy, as it is directly proportional to the lifespan of water softeners. Usually, the lifespan is 10-15 years, but that depends on all the factors.

Different water softeners and their life span

  • Salt-based Ion-based water softener lifespan– Normally, they usually have a lifespan of 10-15 years, but again it depends on how to maintain and use it on a daily basis. Then they won’t deviate from the lifespan of 10-15 years. Non-maintenance will only shorten the lifespan of the softener and will create certain issues resulting in some expenses.
  • On-demand controlled water softener lifespan– Similar to the first one, their life span will also range from 10-15 years. They won’t deviate from 10-15 years either by proper Maintenance or under proper installation. If they are well maintained, they will have the second-highest water softener’s efficiency. If treated badly, they won’t last more than 3-5 years.
  • Dual tank water softener lifespan– This will also have a lifespan of 10-15 years but again need proper maintaining. But it has an advantage, and it has another tank in it that can be used. If it’s treated properly, it can go about 15 years or even 20-25 years as well.

Tips for extending its lifespan

  • Change the filter at regular intervals- Your manual will contain the steps of this process. If you have a Kinetico water softening system, then it requires replacements occasionally.
  • Adding regenerant- Make sure the softener never runs out of regenerant. Start refilling the water before it becomes visible in the brine drum and softener cabinet. Using a high-quality cube or pallet is highly recommendable, but it is costly, but its high purity means less residue build-up. It would save money in the long run.
  • If you own a single electric tank, you need to remove the resin bed with a water softener at least once a year to have its effectiveness.
  • Never make the softener work too hard. The settings should be proper so that it can soften the water properly.

With some little effort, you can add a good number to the lifespan of your water softener and enjoy its advantages.

You can choose the right softener for you by having the knowledge of the right softener that would be required for your home. Single eclectic tan softeners are often cheap in the rate, but it would require a proper level of maintenance. Whereas Kinetico is engineered to provide you with quality water without having regular maintenance.

The choice would depend on how much time you want a water softener and how much cost you are ready to bear with the requirement of your own.

How to know when to replace the water softener?

The most crucial part is played by the water softeners since they remove minerals like calcium and magnesium from the water at your place. As with other electrical applications, the components tend to break or stop working, as mentioned above; its time span is 10-15 years. If your water softener was installed a decade ago, then you should change it right away.

The usage of water softener would depend on how much it lasts. If you tend to soften the extremely hard water or water with iron, then your appliance should be replaced sooner. There is no limit on how sooner you need to change the water softener, but it becomes mandatory to learn to spot the signs when you should be explained.

Common signs that indicate your water softeners should be replaced


There are many signs that show that your water softener isn’t producing quality water. Malfunctioning of the water softener doesn’t always mean that it should be replaced; it could mean that it needs servicing.

There might be a possibility that a certain component or a part needs to be changed, like the pipes to be replaced since it can be jammed, softener requires cleaning, salt to be added in the brine tank, etc. Here are few things that could let you know that it needs servicing or replacement.

  • The lather isn’t Enough– One of the most common signs of hard waters is that soap is refusing the lather. If you realize that you have a hard time while using the soap under the shower, then this means that it needs a replacement. If you notice that you are going through shampoo and soap a lot faster than usual, that means you need to use more decent lather.
  • Laundry problems– Washing clothes into hard water can make the clothes a bit scratchy and stiffy. The fabric softener can extract some stiffness to some extent, but a more effective way is to make sure your water softener is functioning properly and accordingly. Hard water can damage other appliances, such as dishwashers and hot water heaters. To ensure the damage, you need to make sure the water softener is functioning properly.
  • Crust building around pipes and faucets– The minerals that are present make the pipes and faucets crusty. You have to pay attention while you are cleaning the kitchen and bathrooms. If you see any chalky substance in them, it means you have to check the water softener.
  • Your water is tasting different– The taste of hard water varies from the soft water. If you prefer drinking water straight from the pipe, then pay attention to the changes in the taste.

Benefits of having a new water softener in your home

  • A new water softener provides you with your service of cleaning your house effectively
  • It provides you with soft clothes and laundry
  • It provides you with better skin and hair
  • It provides you with the features of new technologies and an updated version
  • It keeps your system clean
  • There are some new innovations that are connected to Wifi

Water softeners have a lifespan of 10-15 years and can be extended depending on how you use them and the availability of them in your places. They ensure you and provide you with various facilities that are useful for this world.

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How Long Do Water Softeners Last | Explained

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