Salt Vs Salt-Free Water Softener | Everything You Need to Know

Salt-based vs Salt-Free Water Softener
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Water quality has always been a matter of concern for many, and it is obvious looking at the deteriorating water quality around the world.

Treating your water with the proper and correct method is also a cumbersome task, as it requires a lot of knowledge, techniques, time, and money. I know exactly how painful it can be to install the most appropriate water system on your premises.

Today, we will discuss salt-based and salt-free water softeners. Both systems are a method to purify water but are treated differently and give different results. Both are water softeners, as the name suggests, but there are few points that need consideration.


Salt-based Water Softener

Salt-based water softener, as the name suggests, uses salt to soften the hard water. Hard water consists of high mineral content like calcium and magnesium, whereas the salt-based softener removes this hard mineral and replaces it with bicarbonates of sodium and potassium.

Since sodium and potassium are soft and make the water smooth, it is advised not to use detergents and soaps with a salt-based water softener.

Also, most importantly, salt-based water softener systems primarily use ion-exchange water purification to soften the hard water. I’m sure you have come across stains, dirty residue, or even watermark on your basins, sinks, bathroom, etc.

This happens because your water is hard, and the solution for this is a Salt-based water softener. A water softener helps in many ways; the water helps to soften hair and skin, gives longer life to your appliance and plumbing systems, and reduces electricity bills. It also gives a clean and bright look to your clothes.

So the golden rule to remembering a salt-based water softener is that it softens water from hard water by using the process called ion exchange. Also, these water softeners are expensive and require regular maintenance.


Salt-free Water Softener

A salt-free water softener is a system where water is actually not softened from hard water; rather, it helps to remove other harmful chemicals and make the water fit for drinking. Do keep in mind that a salt-free water softener will never soften your hard water; it rather just conditions your water.

So it is also called a water conditioner because it only conditions the water. The prime work of salt-free water softener is to change the taste, make water fit for drinking, and condition them well.


No.Salt-Based Softener Salt-Free Softener
1Removes hard water and makes it soft Doesn’t remove hard water, it only conditions the water
2Ion-exchange process The traditional filtration system, RO system
3Removes calcium and magnesium Doesn’t remove calcium and magnesium
4Adds sodium and potassium Doesn’t add anything unless separately added
5Expensive Less expensive than salt based
6Highly effective in delivering a quality water Less effective than salt based


It is clear by now that both salt and salt-free systems have their own merits and demerits. Where salt-based softener completely softens the water, which is hard, while salt-free softener systems only make the water suitable for drinking. Salt-free softener never softens water, while salt-based do primarily soften, using the ion-exchange method.

My best guide while choosing between these two water softening systems would be, Firstly, you should know if your locality water is hard, dirty, and loaded with chemicals, or if it’s just normal dirt and bad elements present.

Secondly, what are all options you have in order to purify them? Thirdly, what is your budget and exactly what filter you are looking for, in this case, salt-based or salt-free softeners like RO systems.

Having said this, we expect our readers and information gainers to categorically understand each system’s details before you go ahead with any option. Safe water, safe Life.

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Salt Vs Salt-Free Water Softener | Everything You Need to Know

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